FA507: Instrumental pharmaceutical analysis

Study Board Pharmacy

Teaching language: Danish or English depending on the teacher
EKA: N560024112, N560024122, N560024102
Assessment: Second examiner: None, Second examiner: Internal
Grading: Pass/Fail, 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Odense
Offered in: Spring
Level: Bachelor

STADS ID (UVA): N560024101
ECTS value: 10

Date of Approval: 16-10-2019

Duration: 1 semester

Version: Archive

Entry requirements

Entry requirements. To be used with cautiousness – can for instance be ”A Bachelor’s degree in […]”.

Academic preconditions

Students taking the course are expected to have completed FA501, FF503, KE521 and KE538 and participate KE505 latest in the same period of time as this course.

Course introduction

The course aims to give the student knowledge of instrumental methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis so that the student is able to solve analytical problems, including critical evaluation of selected analytical technique, implementation of method development, optimization and validation, independent execution of data processing incl. to use statistical methods as well as clear and accurate reporting of analytical results in accordance with standards mentioned in guidelines (GLP, ICH, Ph.Eur.).

The course builds on the knowledge gained in the pharmacy introductory course (FA501) and the basic subjects in chemistry (FF503), physics (MM556) and mathematics (FY528) in the first year of study.

The course provides the academic basis for using instrumental analytical methods in the further study curriculum.

In relation to the competence profile of the degree it is the explicit focus of the course to:

  • give the competence to critically evaluate and use different analytical methods to solve quantitative and qualitative issues according to official monographs (e.g. Ph.Eur.) and guidelines (ICH, GLP) as well as relevant scientific literature.
  • acquire skills to perform and optimize analytical methods, to perform structural, qualitative and quantitative analysis (calibration, standards) to calculate validation parameters (including precision, accuracy, selectivity, detection limit, quantification limit, separation and column parameters) and use statistical methods in data processing to report experimental results in easy-to-understand language.
  • give knowledge on key concepts and principles of the analytical process (validation, statistical analysis methods), spectroscopic methods incl. structural analysis (UV / Vis, fluorescence, IR, NMR, MS), chromatographic separation methods (HPLC, TLC, GC, SEC, electrophoresis) and coupling of separation methods with common detection.

Expected learning outcome

    The learning objectives of the course is that the student demonstrates the ability to:

    • be able to critically evaluate and use analytical instrumental methods to solve qualitative and quantitative analytical pharmaceutical issues and to take into account official monographs (Ph. Eur.), guidelines (ICH, GLP) and scientific literature (competencies).
    • be able to perform and optimize analytical methods, use spectroscopic methods for qualitative analysis (structural analysis), perform quantitative determination (calibration, standards), calculate validation parameters including precision, accuracy, selectivity, detection limit, quantification limit, separation and column parameters, using statistical methods test results in easily understandable, accurate and correct language (skills).
    • know key concepts and principles of the analytical processes (validation, statistical analysis methods), spectroscopic methods incl. for structural analysis (UV / Vis, fluorescence, IR, NMR, MS), chromatographic separation methods (HPLC, TLC, GC, SEC, electrophoresis) and coupling of separation methods with common detection methods (knowledge).


    The following main topics are contained in the course:

    • Fundamentals of philosophy of science and scientific methods
    • Instrumental analysis in the pharmaceutical sciences and GMP
    • The analytical process (GLP, systematic and random errors, qualification and validation, statistical methods, guidelines such as GLP and ICH, sample preparation),
    • Quantitative and qualitative analysis in the pharmaceutical science
    • Spectroscopic methods (UV / Vis, fluorescence, IR, NMR, MS), principles, instrumentation and application in the pharmaceutical science
    • Chromatographic methods (HPLC, TLC, GC, SEC, electrophoresis) as well as their common detection methods, principles, instrumentation and application in the pharmaceutical science
    • Structural analysis by IR, NMR and MS
    • Quantitative analysis (calibration, internal and external standard, selectivity)


    See tslearning for syllabus lists and additional literature references.

    Examination regulations

    Prerequisites for participating in the exam a)




    Participation in lab exercises and E-hours




    Second examiner: None




    Student Identification Card - Name


    Normally, the same as teaching language

    Examination aids

    To be announced during the course.

    Allowed/Not allowed. A closer description of the exam rules will be posted under 'Course Information' on Blackboard.

    ECTS value


    Additional information

    Participation in lab exercises and E-hours (at least 80 % for both). The prerequisite examination is a prerequisite for participation in exam element a) og b). 

    The examination form for re-examination may be different from the exam form at the regular exam.

    Exam element a)




    Type Prerequisite name Prerequisite course
    Prerequisite not found


    Reports and exercises




    Second examiner: None




    Full name and SDU username


    Normally, the same as teaching language

    Examination aids

    To be announced during the course.

    Allowed/Not allowed. A closer description of the exam rules will be posted under 'Course Information' on Blackboard.

    ECTS value


    Additional information

    The examination form for re-examination may be different from the exam form at the regular exam.

    Exam element b)




    Type Prerequisite name Prerequisite course
    Prerequisite not found


    Written examination




    Second examiner: Internal


    7-point grading scale


    Full name and SDU username


    Normally, the same as teaching language


    4 hours

    Examination aids

    Allowed, a closer description of the exam rules will be posted in itslearning.

    ECTS value


    Additional information

    The examination form for re-examination may be different from the exam form at the regular exam.

    Indicative number of lessons

    90 hours per semester

    Teaching Method

    For at sætte de studerende i stand til at nå læringsmålene for kurset tilrettelægges undervisningen således, at

    Der er xx forelæsningstimer, holdtimer etc. ugentlig i 15 uger.

    Disse undervisningsaktiviteter udmønter sig i en anslået vejledende fordeling af arbejdsindsatsen hos en gennemsnitsstuderende på følgende måde:

    Aktivitet - Antal timer:
    Introfase (forelæsning, holdtimer) - Antal timer:
    træningsfase: Antal timer:
    Studiefase: Antal timer:
    Total: Antal timer:
    Eksempel på undervisningsform
    Introfasen består af forelæsninger, hvor dialog primært skabes vha. et clickers-system. Her gives en kortfattet introduktion til kursets emner og vejen til kompetenceopnåelse som supplement til lærebogen, som de studerende forventes at studere selvstændigt. 

    Study phase:

    • Self-study of the textbook and other relevant literature especially with respect to work with theory from the lectures and to prepare for the seminars and laboratory exercises.
    • Exercises, data analysis and report writing
    • Continuous work and repetition of course materials and topics

    Teacher responsible

    Name E-mail Department
    Bala Krishna Prabhala bapra@sdu.dk Institut for Fysik, Kemi og Farmaci

    Additional teachers

    Name E-mail Department City
    Michael Petersen mip@sdu.dk Institut for Fysik, Kemi og Farmaci


    Administrative Unit

    Fysik, kemi og Farmaci

    Team at Registration


    Offered in


    Recommended course of study