The Curriculum for
- Kandidat i biomedicinsk informatik
§ 1 - Description of the Programme
§ 1.1 - Programme
Programme titles
(Master of Science (MSc))Ministerial orders
Bekendtgørelse om ændring af bekendtgørelse om ankenævn for afgørelser om merit i universitetsuddannelser (meritankenævnsbekendtgørelsen) (BEK nr 880 af 26/08/2019)
Bekendtgørelse om universitetsuddannelser tilrettelagt på heltid (BEK nr 2285 af 01/12/2021)
Bekendtgørelse om adgang til universitetsuddannelser tilrettelagt på heltid (BEK nr 69 af 26/01/2023)
Bekendtgørelse om talentinitiativer på de videregående uddannelser på Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets område (talentbekendtgørelsen) (BEK nr 597 af 08/03/2015)
Bekendtgørelse om eksamener og prøver ved universitetsuddannelser (BEK nr 2271 af 01/12/2021)
Bekendtgørelse om karakterskala ved uddannelser på Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets område (BEK nr 1125 af 04/07/2022)
ECTS value
120Academic Study Board
The Study Board for ScienceLanguage
Master§ 1.2 - Aim of Programme, including any professional profile and specialisations
- advanced proficiency in the bioinformatics and biostatistics disciplines related to biology, biomedicine and clinical disciplines.
- in-depth knowledge of research and development work in the interface between biochemistry/molecular biology, biomedicine and informatics, both nationally and internationally
- the necessary prerequisites for undertaking further research-based studies, including a PhD course
- Knowledge: This category is related to the specific programme or the specific course and covers the level of comprehension and reflection within a subject area in relation to the terms, theories, methods and scientific problems of the area.
- Skills: This category is aimed explicitly at the performance of practical skills, professional ethics and responsibility.
- Competences: This category entails the graduate’s personal and independent application of knowledge and skills. These competences are universal, not limited to the individual programme or course. Instead, they include skills such as analysis and abstract thinking, an attitude for learning, the ability to participate in academic and interdisciplinary collaboration, communicative skills and the graduate’s ability to acquire new knowledge and structure his/her own learning.
§ 1.3 - Didactic and pedagogical basis
- In the introductory phase the joint reference frame for theory, models and terms is established through the teacher’s use of varied teaching methods.
- The training phase is utilised by the students to obtain their own experiences and to immerse themselves in the material through active work and dialogue with the teacher.
- The study phase is a learning environment unaffiliated with the teacher and where the student independently acquires academic, personal and social skills in relation to an understanding of and immersion in the subject of science.
§ 1.4 - Profiles
MSc major in Computational Biomedicine - registration 1 September 2021, 2022 and 2023
§ 2 - Enrollment
§ 2.1 - Legal claim of admission
§ 2.2 - Direct access to programme
- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Bachelor's degree in biochemistry and molecular biology
- Bachelor's degree in biomedicine
- Bachelor's degree in pharmacy
- Bachelor's degree in nanobioscience
- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Bachelor's degree in biology and biotechnology
- Bachelor's degree in biochemistry
- Bachelor's degree in pharmacy
- Bachelor's degree in molecular biomedicine
- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Bachelor's degree in nanotechnology
- Bachelor's degree in biology
- Bachelor's degree in biotechnology
- Bachelor's degree in molecular biology
- Bachelor's degree in molecular biomedicine
- Bachelor's degree in biotechnology
- Bachelor's degree in applied mathematics from the University of Southern Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in biology from the University of Southern Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University, Aarhus University or Roskilde University
- Bachelor's degree in biology and biotechnology from the University of Copenhagen
- Bachelor's degree in biochemistry from the University of Copenhagen
- Bachelor's degree in biochemistry and molecular biology from the University of Southern Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in biomedicine from the University of Southern Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in biotechnology from the Technical University of Denmark or Aarhus University
- Bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Southern Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University, Aarhus University or Roskilde University
- Bachelor's degree in pharmacy from the University of Southern Denmark or the University of Copenhagen
- Bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University, Aarhus University or Roskilde University
- Bachelor's degree in physics and nanotechnology from the Technical University of Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in physical sciences from the University of Copenhagen
- Bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Southern Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University, Aarhus University or Roskilde University
- Bachelor's degree in mathematics from the University of Southern Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University, Aarhus University or Roskilde University
- Bachelor's degree in molecular biology from Aarhus University
- Bachelor's degree in molecular biomedicine from the University of Copenhagen
- Bachelor's degree in molecular medicine from Aarhus University
- Bachelor's degree in nanobioscience from the University of Southern Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in nanotechnology from Aalborg University
- Bachelor's degree in technical biomedicine from the Technical University of Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in Technical Science (Software Engineering) from the University of Southern Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in technical science (chemistry and biotechnology) from the University of Southern Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in technical science (chemistry) from the University of Southern Denmark
- Bachelor's degree in technical science (physics and technology) from the University of Southern Denmark
- Graduate engineering education in information and communication technology from the University of Southern Denmark
§ 2.3 - Alternative entry requirements
The bachelor's degree must contain a minimum of 60 ECTS within biochemistry/genetics/molecular biology. A background in computer science science/mathematics/statistics/physics will no longer qualify for admission (Admission 2023)
Valid for students admitted before September 2023
§ 2.4 - Tuition
Additional provisions of the Study Board:
§ 2.5 - Entry requirements
§ 3 - Structure and Progression
§ 3.1 - The structure of the programme
- The Danish and English title of the course
- The level of the course (Bachelor, Master’s or PhD courses)
- The responsible department and lecturer
- The amount of ECTS credits the course is worth
- Admission requirements
- Expected qualifications
- Purpose
- Learning objectives
- Content
- which language is used
- Form of examination
- Teaching methods
- The dates and times of the lectures
- When the course has last been updated
- 2XX: PhD courses
- 5XX: Bachelor courses
- 8XX: Master’s courses
- When the last lesson will be held
- When the last exams will be conducted
- Which course the students should attend instead of the cancelled one
- Which exam(s) the students should take instead of the cancelled one(s)
- Potential rules regarding credit transfers from expired programme regulations to the newest one
- Potential rules regarding service registration for exams
- Whether there is a risk of expulsion if the transition rules are not followed
§ 4 - Course descriptions
§ 4.1 - Course descriptions
MSc major in Computational Biomedicine - registration 1 September 2021, 2022 and 2023
SPCB801: Speciale i Biomedicinsk informatik
BMB831: Biostatistik i R II
BMB830: Biostatistik i R I
DM868: Data mining and machine learning for computational biomedicine
BMB834: Proteinstruktur, -dynamik og -modellering
DM857: Introduktion til programmering
BMB833: Epidemiologiske metoder i biomedicin
DM847: Introduktion til bioinformatik
§ 5 - Examination provisions
§ 5.1 - Programme passing requirements
§ 5.2 - Start of study exam
§ 5.3 - Spelling and writing skills
§ 5.4 - Evaluation of examinations and tests
§ 5.5 - Exam language
Cf. Eksamensbekendtgørelsen § 21
§ 5.6 - Forms of assessment
§ 5.7 - Ordinary exams
§ 5.8 - Reexams
Cf. Eksamensbekendtgørelsen § 12
The university may deviate from the stipulated examination or test form in a re-examination.This does not apply, however, for Bachelor projects or Master’s theses. It may be established in the programme regulations that the reexam has another form and/or evaluation than the ordinary exam. including the criteria for when the alternative examination or test form will be used.
§ 5.9 - Exam attempts
§ 5.10 - Requirements for exams
§ 5.11 - Digital exams and aids
§ 5.12 - Special examination conditions
§ 5.13 - Irregularities at exams
§ 5.14 - Group exams
§ 6 - Credit transfer
§ 6.1 - Transfer of credit
§ 6.2 - Transfer of credit
§ 6.3 - Credit
§ 6.4 - Extemptions
§ 7 - Provisions on the organisation of the programme
§ 7.1 - Enrolment and unenrolment from teaching and exams
§ 7.2 - Permission to enrol in courses from a Master’s degree programme
§ 7.3 - Deadline for programme completion
- Bachelor degree programme must be completed within the standardised study period + 1 year
- A 2-year Master’s degree programme must be completed within the standardised study period + ½ year
- A 2½-year Master’s degree programme must be completed within the standardised study period + ½ yea
- Master's degree for working professionals must be completed within the standardised study period + ½ year
- "AO" (Akademisk overbygningsuddannelse) - Master's degree must be completed within the standardised study period + 1 year
§ 7.4 - Study activity
§ 7.5 - Master\'s thesis
Purpose, scope and deadlines
Cf. Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen § 30
§ 7.6 - The 4+4 PhD arrangement
§ 7.7 - Leave
§ 7.8 - Limitation on the number of entries
§ 7.9 - Minor, elective subject and elective
§ 7.10 - Talent
§ 8 - Exemptions and complaints procedures
§ 8.1 - Dispensation from University regulations
§ 8.2 - Complaints over exams
§ 8.3 - Complaints over University decisions
§ 9 - The affiliation of the programme
§ 9.1 - Legal basis
- Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen: Ministerial order No. 2285 of 1 December 2021 regarding university programmes scheduled as full-time studies.
- Eksamensbekendtgørelsen: Ministerial order No. 2271 of 1 December 2021 regarding exams and grading in university programmes
- Karakterbekendtgørelsen: Ministerial order No. 1125 of 4th July 2022 regarding grading scale and other forms of evaluation in educational programmes within the area of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science
- Universitetsadgangsbekendtgørelsen: Ministerial order No. 69 of 26 January 2023 regarding admission to university degree programmes scheduled as full-time studies
- Talentbekendtgørelsen: Ministerial order No. 597 of 8 March 2015 regarding talent initiatives within the area of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science
- Ph.d.-bekendtgørelsen: Ministerial order No. 1039 of 27 August 2013 regarding PhD programmes at universities and certain art programmes
- Meritankenævnsbekendtgørelsen: Ministerial order No. 1517 of 16 December 2013 regarding boards of appeal and decisions concerning credits for university programmes