DS804: Data mining and machine learning
The Study Board for Science
Teaching language: Danish or English depending on the teacher, but English if international students are enrolled
EKA: N340063102
Assessment: Second examiner: External
Grading: 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Odense
Offered in: Spring
Level: Master
STADS ID (UVA): N340063101
ECTS value: 10
Date of Approval: 05-10-2022
Duration: 1 semester
Version: Archive
Entry requirements
The course cannot be chosen by students who: have either followed, or have passed DM581, DM583, DM555, DM855, DM859, DM566, DM868 or DM870.
The course cannot be taken by students enrolled in the master programme in Computer Science.
The course cannot be taken by students enrolled in the master programme in Computer Science.
Academic preconditions
Students taking the course are recommended to:
- Have knowledge oft the basic concepts of linear algebra
- Have knowledge of basic algorithms and data structures
- Be able to program
Course introduction
The aim of the course is to enable the student to choose and use techniques from Data Mining and Machine Learning, which is important in regard to being able to analyze large datasets in many financial, medical, commercial, and scientific applications.
Data Mining and Machine Learning techniques enable computational systems to identify meaningful patterns in the data and to adaptively improve their performance with experience accumulated from the observed data.
This course introduces the most common techniques for performing basic data mining and machine learning tasks, and covers the basic theory, algorithms, and applications. This course balances theory and practice, and covers the mathematical as well as the heuristic aspects. Computational learning methods are introduced at a general level, with their basic ideas and intuition.
Moreover, the students have the opportunity to experiment and apply data mining and machine learning techniques to selected problems.
The course builds upon knowledge from courses on basic linear algebra and on programming.
The course gives an academic basis for conducting large scale data analysis and for conducting master thesis projects as well as other practical oriented study-activities, that are part of the degree.
In relation to the competence profile of the degree it is the explicit focus of the course to:
- Give knowledge of common data mining and machine learning tasks and methods
- Give skills to apply common data mining and machine learning methods to real world problems
- Give the competence to design data mining and machine learning methods
- Give knowledge to understand and reflect on theories, methods, and practices in the computer science field
- Give skills to acquire new knowledge in an effective and independent manner and be able apply this knowledge in a reflective way
- Give skills to describe, analyze and solve computer science problems applying methods and modeling formalisms from the core area and its mathematical support disciplines
- Give skills in analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of various algorithms, especially in terms of resource consumption
- Give skills to make and justify professional decisions
- Give skills to describe, formulate and communicate issues and results to peers, non-specialists, project partners and users.
Expected learning outcome
The learning objectives of the course are that the student demonstrates the ability to:
- Describe the data mining and machine learning tasks presented during the course
- Describe the algorithms and methods presented in the course
- Describe the topics presented in the course in precise mathematical language
- Explain the individual steps of the mathematical derivations presented in class
- Apply the methods to simple problems
- Apply the methods to situations different from the ones presented in class
- Reflect on and assess design choices for data mining and machine learning systems
- Undertake experimental evaluation of data mining and statistical learning methods and report the results
The following main topics are contained in the course:
- basic probability
- theory of learning (feasibility of learning, generalization, overfitting)
- error and noise
- bias and variance
- training vs. testing (cross-validation, bootstrap, model selection)
- methods (for example rule learning, Bayes learning, nearest neighbor classification, decision trees, clustering)
- frequent pattern mining (item set mining, association rules)
Examination regulations
Exam element a)
Spring and June
Portfolio and tests
Second examiner: External
7-point grading scale
Full name and SDU username
Normally, the same as teaching language
4 hours
Examination aids
Skriftlig eksamen: All common aids are allowed e.g. books, notes, computer programmes which do not use internet etc.
Internet is not allowed during the exam. However, you may visit system DE-Digital Exam when answering the multiple-choice questions. If you wish to use course materials from itslearning, you must download the materials to your computer the day before the exam. During the exam itslearning is not allowed.
ECTS value
Additional information
Portfolio exam consists of:
- Presentations in exercise classes. Counts 10% of the overall final assessment
- Written exam during the exam period. Counts 90% of the overall final assessment
The re-exam is not portfolio but just the written exam (rules of the written exam unchanged).In case of 24 or fewer students signed up for re-exam in DM868, DM870 and DS804 (co-read courses), the re-exam will be in the form of an oral exam.
Indicative number of lessons
Teaching Method
At the faculty of science, teaching is organized after the three-phase model, i.e., intro, training and study phase.
- Intro phase (lectures, class lessons) - 40 hours
- Training phase: 30 hours, including 30 hours tutorials
In the intro phase, concepts, theories and models are introduced and put into perspective. In the training phase, students train their skills through exercises and dig deeper into the subject matter. In the study phase, students gain academic, personal and social experiences that consolidate and further develop their scientific proficiency. Focus is on immersion, understanding, and development of collaborative skills.
Activities during the study phase:
- Reading from textbooks
- Solving homework
- Applying acquired knowledge in practical projects
Teacher responsible
Administrative Unit
Team at Registration
Offered in
Recommended course of study
Transition rules
Transitional arrangements describe how a course replaces another course when changes are made to the course of study.
If a transitional arrangement has been made for a course, it will be stated in the list.
See transitional arrangements for all courses at the Faculty of Science.