NAT818: Project management ín Science

The Study Board for Science

Teaching language: Danish
EKA: N710017102
Assessment: Second examiner: Internal
Grading: 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Odense
Offered in: Spring
Level: Master

STADS ID (UVA): N710017101
ECTS value: 5

Date of Approval: 11-10-2023

Duration: 1 semester

Version: Approved - active


The course is co-read with NAT816: Project management ín Science (10 ECTS) version, when this is offered.

Entry requirements

A Bachelor’s degree. The course cannot be followed if you have participated in, or passed NAT816.

Academic preconditions


Course introduction

The aim of the course is to provide students with a basic knowledge of project management, including project development project and management. The students must be able to identify project opportunities and develop project designs. The course teaches the student project management within both public and private sector projects. The students will therefore be able to contribute to the management of projects in a broad sense of practice. However, examples and cases will primarily be scientific projects, e.g., environmental projects, health projects and nature-related projects. 

The described objectives regarding knowledge, skills and competencies are achieved through the specific teaching and working methods described below. Furthermore, the teaching and learning methods of the course is organized refering to the examination method, as described under ‘Examination regulations’, accordingly to what is considered to be the most appropriate way of helping students to achieve the required competencies to complete the course. The teaching is organized with a focus on central learning objectives, knowledge of project development and management, identification of project opportunities and development of project design within a broad area of expertise. This includes the subjects of nature, environment, communication, dissemination, and media.

To promote these objectives the methods used during the course will be a combination of lectures, and project work, which trains the students in creating and reflecting on project design in response to an identified problem. Lectures and exercise classes are carried out as a combination of cases and exercises and project work.

Attendency and active participation is recommended.

Expected learning outcome

Knowledge - At the end of the course the students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of: 

  • basic project professionalism with a purpose to project development and management / leadership in areas characterized by complexity 
  • the societal background for the increasing use of projects as method
Skills - At the end of the course the student should be able to:
  • identify relevant issues in a self-chosen field of practice relevant to the student’s study perspective, and analyze them in the perspective of project-organized development opportunities 
Competencies - At the end of the course the student should be able to:
  • indicate through project design how the project can be executed 
  • reflect on strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in connection with the outlined project in a broader societal context


Various types of projects are introduced for the purpose of learning about structure, management, and leadership. Subsequently, there will be a focus on organizational and management theory. Theory of communication and creativity related to the project form will also be included. Concurrently with the teaching the students will be working in groups to develop of projects with subject issues that are rooted within a given field of practice, and which is anchored in collaboration with an institution, a company, or specific actors. Based on a project presentation submitted beforehand, the project is discussed and put into perspective at a final oral examination.


Will be announced at the start of the course.
See itslearning for syllabus lists and additional literature references.

Examination regulations

Exam element a)




Oral exam based on project idea




Second examiner: Internal


7-point grading scale


Student Identification Card


Normally, the same as teaching language


One student: 20 minutes, two students: 30 min., three students: 40 min.

Examination aids


ECTS value


Additional information

One week before the oral exam, a project presentation is submitted in the form of a "pitch". Supervision is provided.
Scope: The syllabus must, either in writing between 1000 and 3000 words, or audiovisual in a maximum of 5 minutes, present the project idea.
Submission of response: The exam paper must be submitted to SDU's Digital examination portal no later than 12.00 on the final deadline for submission.

Assessment criteria: Taking into account the type of examination and the specific degree programme, emphasis is placed on the extent to which the student's performance complies with the description of objectives, as well as the extent to which the student masters the objectives of the academic regulations, including any academic profile and specialisations mentioned, in particular, Nos. 6, 9, 11 and 13, which the course particularly supports

The grade is awarded in accordance with the degree programme fulfilment of the description of objectives, as described in the Grading Scale Order.

More students can contribute to the assignment: Max. Three students. Who is responsible for which parts of the assignment must be clearly stated in the answer. Individual grades are given. The scope of the assignment is stated in the item "Scope".

The re-examination/reexamination is held in accordance with the regulations for the ordinary exam.

Indicative number of lessons

45 hours per semester

Teaching Method

The teaching is organized in such a way that the students in groups concurrently with the teaching produce a project presentation. At the beginning of the course, the teacher informs the students about how the study activities are organized.

The teaching is organized according to the Natural Sciences phase model, so that it is estimated that approx. half of an average student's work effort is linked to the intro phase of preparing for and following up on lectures that introduce the subject's concepts and techniques, and approx. half for the study phase's independent work in groups with the development of a practice-based project design with a problem that is designed in dialogue with a project requester (external stakeholder).

5 ECTS corresponds to 140 working hours. At the beginnign of the teaching, the teacher explains an indicative distribution of the workload. During the examination, the student is examined in project management in a syllabus corresponding to 10 ECTS workload.

Teacher responsible

Name E-mail Department
Gitte Miller Balslev LSUL

Additional teachers

Name E-mail Department City
Peter Henrik Raae Institut for Medier, Design, Læring og Erkendelse Odense

Student teachers

Name E-mail Department City
Tina Maria Brinks Institut for Matematik og Datalogi Odense


Administrative Unit

Institut for Matematik og Datalogi (matematik)

Team at Educational Law & Registration


Offered in


Recommended course of study

Profile Education Semester Offer period

Transition rules

Transitional arrangements describe how a course replaces another course when changes are made to the course of study. 
If a transitional arrangement has been made for a course, it will be stated in the list. 
See transitional arrangements for all courses at the Faculty of Science.