DS823: Biodemografi, fremskrivning og populationsdynamik

Det Naturvidenskabelige Studienævn

Undervisningssprog: På dansk eller engelsk afhængigt af underviser
EKA: N340078102
Censur: Intern prøve, en bedømmer
Bedømmelse: Bestået/Ikke bestået
Udbudssteder: Odense
Udbudsterminer: Efterår
Niveau: Kandidat

STADS ID (UVA): N340078101
ECTS-point: 3

Godkendelsesdato: 16-05-2020

Varighed: 1 semester

Version: Arkiv




Bestået bachelorgrad.

Faglige forudsætninger

Requirements for this course are knowledge of basic statistics and mathematics. A basic knowledge of R software is also expected (a basic free online course on R is found in cousera: https://www.coursera.org/course/rprog)


This is an introductory course in biodemography. Lectures on biodemographic methodologies and are followed by hands-on exercises using relevant data sources. The course also includes recent methodologies and debates in population studies.

The course will give the student skills in biodemographic theory, methods and use. The course explicitly focus on:

  • The link between demography and health science
  • Methodologies used in biodemography
  • Data analysis of data in a biodemographic perspective
  • As a data scientist knowledge on health data and their use is important. 

Generel competences:

  • Knowledge about the needs and opportunities of the specialization when working with and processing data
  • Competences in selecting, applying, and combining the right programming, statistics, and machine learning tools and methods to work with data relevant for the specialization
  • Skills in managing complex work and development situations in the areas of data processing and analysis as well as starting up and executing analyses


  • To have a thorough understanding of rates and their importance in demography
  • To recognize the relevant settings for basic demographic methods.
  • To have knowledge of standard demographic data resources.
  • To be able to perform standard demographic analyses in R.
  • To be aware of standard pitfalls in demographic (health) research.


This course sets out the basic skills and concepts that a data scientist should have when dealing with demographic data. We refresh the centrally important concept of rates, as well as the relationship of demography with statistics. We then turn to basic methods in demography, as well as basic data resources. We discuss basic demographic visualization tools and explore methods to deal with problematic data. Finally, we venture into some applications of demography, such as evolutionary demography and forecasting.


See itslearning for syllabus lists and additional literature references.


Eksamenselement a)

Tidsmæssig placering



Skriftlig essay




Intern prøve, en bedømmer


Bestået/Ikke bestået


Fulde navn og SDU brugernavn


Følger, som udgangspunkt, undervisningssprog


2 timer





Uddybende information

Eksamensformen ved reeksamen kan være en anden end eksamensformen ved den ordinære eksamen.

Vejledende antal undervisningstimer

24 vejledningstimer i alt


Der vil være 8 forelæsninger på 45 minutter efterfulgt af øvelser designet til at støtte forelæsningerne. Efter underviserens skøn kan forelæsninger og øvelser blandes. Studerende opfordres til at sende deres arbejde til feedback.

Ansvarlig underviser

Navn E-mail Institut
Maarten Jan Wensink mwensink@health.sdu.dk Epidemiologi, Biostatistik og Biodemografi (EBB)
Rune Lindahl-Jacobsen rjacobsen@health.sdu.dk Epidemiologi, Biostatistik og Biodemografi (EBB)
Silvia Rizzi srizzi@health.sdu.dk Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics

Yderligere undervisere

Navn E-mail Institut By
Camilla Riis Nielsen crnielsen@health.sdu.dk Epidemiologi, Biostatistik og Biodemografi (EBB)
Linda Juel Ahrenfeldt lahrenfeldt@health.sdu.dk Epidemiologi, Biostatistik og Biodemografi (EBB)
Martina Otavova motavova@health.sdu.dk IST - EBB/Epidemiologi, Biostatistik og Biodemografi



Institut for Matematik og Datalogi (datalogi)

Team hos Uddannelsesjura & Registratur




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