Introduction to Microeconomics
Course ID
Course Title
Teaching language
ECTS value
Responsible study board
Date of Approval
Course Responsible
Offered in
Offered in
Recommended prerequisites
Aim and purpose
Learning goals
Description of outcome - Knowledge
Description of outcome - Skills
Description of outcome - Competences
Teaching Method
The student is expected to gain knowledge of the course subjects through independent study of literature. These studies will be supported by lectures in the subjects of the course. The purpose of the lectures is to give an overview of the curriculum and to facilitate the understanding of complicated subject areas.
The skills that are obtained in the course, the student will learn through independent work solving exercise problems given in the course. This work can be carried out alone, but it is recommended to work in a study group. The students will be supported in exercise classes, where solutions to the exercises posed will be shown and discussed based on the students’ suggestions
Furthermore, the student has the possibility of solving individual online problem sets throughout the semester in MyEconLab, an online system connected to the course textbook.
This will give students an opportunity to test their knowledge and obtained skills during the course and highlight the importance of working with the subjects.
Finally, the student must participate in a mock exam held half-way through the semester, for which feedback is given as peer-feedback via peergrade.io.
Schedueled classes:
Two lectures and two exercise sessions per week in the first 6 weeks.
Two lectures and one exercise session åer week in the remaining weeks
Teaching is in English. Two lectures and one exercise session lesson per week. The lecturer may decide to have 2 exercise lessons every other week instead.
Students will be required to do approximately 135 hours of work, which is expected to be spent as follows:
Examination regulations
Peer-feedback part 1: 1st exam attempt is held during the semester.
Written examination part 1: Ordinary exam in January.
Peer-feedback part 1: During the semester.
Written examination part 1: February