BB844: Field Course in Terrestrial or Marine Biology
The Study Board for Science
Teaching language: English
EKA: N110019112, N110019102
Assessment: Second examiner: None, Second examiner: Internal
Grading: Pass/Fail, 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Odense
Offered in: Autumn
Level: Master
STADS ID (UVA): N110019101
ECTS value: 5
Date of Approval: 12-05-2020
Duration: 1 semester
Version: Archive
04015501 (former UVA) is identical with this course description.
Autumn 2019 Please notice that the field trip to 'Svanninge Bjerge' is 23-28 September 2019.
Autumn 2019 Please notice that the field trip to 'Svanninge Bjerge' is 23-28 September 2019.
Entry requirements
Academic preconditions
Students taking the course are expected to:
- Have knowledge of the curriculum in biology or similar
- Be able to handle basic software (Word, Excel, Power point)
Course introduction
The participants plan, carry out, and analyze the results of a biological field project. The process includes the search for relevant scientific literature, testable hypotheses should be established and the evaluation of results obtained in relation to the existing knowledge in the field. Specific research topics are chosen among pertinent biological issues in the natural environments that surround the field stations of the Institute of Biology, where the practical part of the course takes place.
The participants will gain insights to the different stages of the research process in general, and to principle of and methods in biological fieldwork in particular.
The participants will gain insights to the different stages of the research process in general, and to principle of and methods in biological fieldwork in particular.
In relation to the competence profile of the degree it is the explicit focus of the course to:
- Give the competence to implement new biological solutions and independently develop and realise an experimental research project
- Give skills relevant for experimental field investigations
- Give knowledge and understanding of experimental investigations
Expected learning outcome
The learning objectives of the course are that the student demonstrates the ability to:
- Search and critically select scientific literature pertaining to a particular biological topic.
- Use scientific articles and other sources to formulate working hypotheses for biological field projects.
- Design biological field investigations to test the hypotheses established.
- Carry out biological investigations and experiments in the field.
- Analyze the results gathered, and structure and describe these in a scientific style.
- Discuss own results in relation to previous investigations.
- Define directions for interesting research in the future.
The following main topics are contained in the course:
- Theory and planning: A research topic is selected and working hypotheses and a detailed research plan are elaborated based on a screening of relevant literature and discussions of the theory behind the topic.
- Field course: The practical part is carried out as a combination of field laboratory work studies at either the Biological Institute’s field station Svanninge Bjerge or the Research Center for Marine Biology in Kerteminde. Accommodation at the field stations is mandatory. The results are analyzed and summarized in a report written in the style of a scientific paper.
Examination regulations
Prerequisites for participating in the exam a)
Second examiner: None
Full name and SDU username
Normally, the same as teaching language
Examination aids
To be announced during the course
ECTS value
Additional information
Satisfactory participation in the theoretical (min. 80%) and practical (min. 90%) parts of the course. The prerequisite examination is a prerequisite for participation in exam element a). The examination form for re-examination may be different from the exam form at the regular exam.
Exam element a)
Type | Prerequisite name | Prerequisite course |
Examination part | Prerequisites for participating in the exam a) | N110019101, BB844: Field Course in Terrestrial or Marine Biology |
Report and individual oral presentation
Second examiner: Internal
7-point grading scale
Full name and SDU username
Normally, the same as teaching language
Examination aids
To be announced during the course.
ECTS value
Additional information
The report can be written in groups of max 5 students. The final grade is based on report and individual oral presentation. Further information will be announced at Blackboard.
The examination form for re-examination may be different from the exam form at the regular exam.
The examination form for re-examination may be different from the exam form at the regular exam.