Statistical tools

Study Board of Political Science, Journalism, Sociology, and European Studies

Teaching language: English
EKA: B340029302
Censorship: Second examiner: None
Grading: 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Esbjerg
Offered in: Summer school (spring)
Level: Supplementation

Course ID: B340029301
ECTS value: 5

Date of Approval: 26-09-2023

Duration: Intensive course

Course ID


Course Title

Statistical tools

Teaching language


ECTS value


Responsible study board

Study Board of Political Science, Journalism, Sociology, and European Studies

Date of Approval


Course Responsible

Name Email Department
Jens Fyhn Lykke Sørensen Institut for Statskundskab

Offered in




Offered in

Summer school (spring)


Intensive course

Recommended prerequisites

Mathematics level B from secondary school.

Aim and purpose

The objective of this course is to provide the student with skills in using tools for quantitative analysis. Emphasis is on giving the student an understanding of statistical methods in interaction with processing using statistical calculation software. The course provides the prerequisites for Advanced Quantitative Methods.


The following topics are addressed in order to achieve the objectives of the course:

  • Descriptive statistics: mean variance, mode, median, frequency, quintile, histogram, etc.
  • Probability: ules for calculation, dependent, independent, permutation, combinations etc.
  • Discrete and continuous distributions, binominal, normal etc.
  • Sampling: the distribution of the mean etc.
  • Hypothesis testing: sample means and cross tabulation.
  • Regression and variance analysis.

Description of outcome - Knowledge

The student can:
  • differentiate between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
  • demonstrate knowledge of probabilistic calculations with discrete and continuous probability distributions.  
  • demonstrate knowledge of hypothesis testing.

Description of outcome - Skills

The student can:
  • describe relevant parts of a data set with relevant descriptive statistics. 
  • perform probabilistic calculations with discrete and continues probability distributions.

Description of outcome - Competences

The student can:
  • select and conduct relevant statistical tests on a given dataset, and interpret the results.


Reading list (approximately 100 pages):
Erik M. Bøye, “Statistics Companion”, The Essential Guide to Statistical Textbooks, 2010, Swismark, ISBN:978-87-993632-2-3

Supplementary readings (if you do not like the “Statistics Companion”) (665 pages): 
Bowerman, O'Connell, Orris & Porter "Essentials of Business Statistics", McGraw-Hill, latest edition. 

Teaching Method

Students are expected to have read Bøye (2010) before attending the course.

The lectures will be conducted online via ZOOM/Teams.

Independent studies supplemented by four days of training for examination.

IT is used as an integral part of the teaching, based on the Excel spreadsheet.


Scheduled teaching (via ZOOM/Teams):
4 x 5 hours in one week in August. Specific dates please see below External comment.

The course amounts to 5 ECTS. 1 ECTS equals 27 student working hours. The course will be estimated to require an effort of 135 hours distributed as follows:

  • Reading the literature (111 hours)
  • Lectures (20 hours)
  • Exam (4 hours)

Examination regulations





Exam: August 2024 see the exam plan.
Reexam: in August 2024 see the exam plan.  

Please read Additional information.





Form of examination

Take-home assignment


Second examiner: None


7-point grading scale


Student Identification Card - Exam number




4 hours.



Examination aids

All examination aids permitted.
It is not allowed to communicate with others.

Assignment handover

Will be handed out electronic via Digital Exam with supplementary material on Itslearning.

Assignment handin

Via Digital Exam. Handwritten enclosures cannot be submitted as part of the examination paper.

ECTS value


Additional information

The examination tests all the relevant areas of the course.

The student will automatically be enrolled for exam in August right after the time of the scheduled classes. See External comment.

It will not be possible to unregister from the exam. If the student does not participate in the exam, it will cost an examination attempt. There are two exam attempts: Ordinary exam and the reexam in the same month.

If the ordinary exam is failed, the student will automatically be enrolled for the reexamination later in August. 
The time of reexamination will be announced later, and the exact date will be informed after the ordinary exam.

If the course is taken as a supplementary course after admission to the master's programme (Cand.merc., Cultural Sociology e.g.):
There are two exam attempts: Ordinary exam and the reexam in the same month.

If the course is taken as an elective on a bachelor programme:
Registration for the course is automatically a registration for the ordinary examination in the course. Cancellation is not possible. If the student does not participate in the examination, the student will use an examination attempt.



External comment

Teaching online: 4 x 5 hours in week 33 in August 2024 (August 12th to August 15th both dates included).

Used examination attempts in the former identical course will be transferred.
Courses that are identical with former courses that are passed according to applied rules cannot be retaken.

Courses offered

Offer period Offer type Profile Education Semester
Spring 2024 Mandatory Supplering - alle byer Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration | Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics and Business Administration | Esbjerg, Soenderborg, Odense, Kolding
Spring 2024 Exchange students


Name Email Department City
Jens Fyhn Lykke Sørensen Institut for Statskundskab Esbjerg

URL for Skemaplan