FY512: Modeling of physical systems

Study Board of Science

Teaching language: Danish, but English if international students are enrolled
EKA: N500006102
Assessment: Second examiner: Internal
Grading: 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Odense
Offered in: Autumn
Level: Bachelor

STADS ID (UVA): N500006101
ECTS value: 5

Date of Approval: 25-04-2019

Duration: 1 semester

Version: Archive


DISCONTINUED - offered for the last time autumn 2021.

Entry requirements


Academic preconditions

Students taking the course are expected to:

  • Have good knowledge about the scientific method as well as mathematical models from the natural- and engineering sciences, e.g. from the first two years of study or equivalent.
  • Be able to use a computer simulation tool as e.g. matlab.

Course introduction

The aim of the course is to enable the student to formulate, evaluate and generalize mathematical models and computer simulations, which are critical to both physics and engineering and desirable for most other natural science areas.

The course builds on the knowledge acquired in the courses in the first two years of study, and gives an academic basis for understanding and applying mathematical modeling and computer simulation, which are crucial components of the natural- and engineering science competencies.

In relation to the competence profile of the degree it is the explicit focus of the course to:

  • Provide competence to understand, formulate, implement, analyze, evaluate and generalize mathematical models and computer simulations. 
  • Provide general knowledge about the challenges and opportunities professionals are confronted with in mathematical modeling and computer simulations.

Expected learning outcome

The learning objectives of the course are that the student demonstrates the ability to:
  • Understand and evaluate how mathematical models and computer simulations are constructed and tested.
  • Provide practical experience in the formulation and implementation of mathematical models and computer simulations.


The following main topics are contained in the course:
  1. Mathematical modeling and computer simulations as scientific tools. 
  2. System formulation and observables; level of description and level of aggregation; object(agent)- and model based simulations; deterministic-, stochastic-, continuous- and discrete descriptions.
  3. Simple differential equation and lattice simulations.
  4. Examples of model formulations and simulations of complex systems from different scientific areas.
  5. Examples of system design and optimization via simulations.
  6. Simple time series analysis examples.
  7. Interpretation of data and evaluation of model and simulation output.


See itslearning for syllabus lists and additional literature references.

Examination regulations

Exam element a)




Oral exam based on the mini-project made in the course.




Second examiner: Internal


7-point grading scale


Student Identification Card


Normally, the same as teaching language

Examination aids

To be announced during the course 

ECTS value


Additional information

Half of the grade is determined from a short presentation and examination of the report, while the other half of the grade is determined from an examination of a course topic (randomly selected by the student).

Indicative number of lessons

40 hours per semester

Teaching Method

On the faculty og science, teaching is organized after the three-phase model ie. intro, training and study phase.

  • Intro phase (lecture, holding hours) - Number of hours: 14
  • training phase: Number of hours: 26, of which Tutorial: 14 hours and laboratory: 12 hours
Activities during the study phase:
  • Formulation, implementation and testing of simple mathematical models and computer simulations.
  • In the latter part of the semester there formulates, implements and tests a more comprehensive computer simulation, where the modeling and the results are summarized in a report (max 10 pages + appendix with computer code) submitted to the teacher. This work may be done in groups of up to three (3) students.

Teacher responsible

Name E-mail Department
Steen Rasmussen steen@sdu.dk Fysik


Administrative Unit

Fysik, kemi og Farmaci

Team at Educational Law & Registration


Offered in


Recommended course of study

Profile Education Semester Offer period
MSc minor Physics for major in Mathematics - Registration September 1st 2020 and 2021 | Odense 3 E21
MSc minor Physics for major in Mathematics - Registration September 1st 2020, 2021 and 2022 | Odense 3 E22
BA Centralt fag i fysik et-faglig - optag 1. september 2016 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E19
BA Centralt fag i fysik et-faglig - optag 1. september 2017 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E19
BA Centralt fag i fysik et-faglig - optag 1. september 2018 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E19
BA Centralt fag i fysik et-faglig - optag 1. september 2019 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E19
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2016 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E20
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2017 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E20
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2018 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E20
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2018 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E21
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2019 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E22
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2019 and 2020 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E22
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2019 and 2020 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E20
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2019 and 2020 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E21
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2019, 2020 and 2021 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E21
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2019, 2020 and 2021 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E22
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2020 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E23
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2020 and 2021 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E23
BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2021 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E24
Ikke længere gældende per 31. august 2019: BA Centralt fag i fysik et-faglig - optag 1. september 2017 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E19
Ikke længere gældende per 31. august 2019: BA Centralt fag i fysik et-faglig - optag 1. september 2018 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E19
No longer applicable (31 August 2019) BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2018 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E20
No longer applicable (31 August 2019) BSc major in Physics - Registration 1 September 2018 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E21
No longer applicable (31 August 2019): BSc major in Physics - Registration 2017 BSc. in Physics | Odense | | Odense 5 E20