Learning and Technology

Academic Study Board of the Faculty of Engineering

Teaching language: English
EKA: T570012102
Censorship: Second examiner: Internal
Grading: 7-point grading scale
Offered in: Odense
Offered in: Autumn
Level: Master

Course ID: T570012101
ECTS value: 5

Date of Approval: 06-04-2022

Duration: 1 semester

Version: Archive

Course ID


Course Title

Learning and Technology

ECTS value


Internal Course Code


Responsible study board

Academic Study Board of the Faculty of Engineering

Administrative Unit

Mærsk McKinney Møller Instituttet

Date of Approval


Course Responsible

Name Email Department
Jacob Nielsen jani@mmmi.sdu.dk SDU Game Development and Learning Technology
Kamilla Juel Sørensen kjs@tek.sdu.dk TEK Uddannelseskoordinering og Support


Name Email Department City
Patricia Bianca Lyk pabl@mmmi.sdu.dk SDU Game Development and Learning Technology

Programme Secretary

Name Email Department City
Anna Schollain avs@tek.sdu.dk TEK Uddannelseskoordinering og Support

Offered in




Offered in



1 semester

Mandatory prerequisites

Qualififying Bachelor

Learning objectives - Knowledge

The student should be able to:
  • explain theories of learning relation to educational tools
  • understand potentials and drawbacks in technology supported learning processes
  • understand the idea of embodied learning and tinkering
  • understand how Robots and mixed reality can support learning processes

Learning objectives - Skills

The student should be able to:
  • analyse digital learning systems
  • utilize and discuss keys concepts in theory of learning systems
  • conceptual design learning systems

Learning objectives - Competences

The student should be able to:
  • apply knowledge and skills in order to create and produce a coherent research paper on a significant topic within the field of learning and technology


In the course in Learning and Technology we explore the potential of digitally supported learning processes. 
The course gives advanced theory on Learning and technology supported studies.

A significant part of the course is used to theoretical understand technology supported learning processes. 

  • Theories of learning in relation to technology supported learning processes
  • Embodied learning system and tinkering
  • Robots and learning
  • Mixed reality and learning

URL for Skemaplan

Number of lessons

48 hours per semester

Teaching Method

The lecturer illustrates the theory primarily by means of examples whereupon the students guided by the lecturer solve a sequence of portfolio assignments. These assignments include handing in a written research paper.

Teaching language


Examination regulations

Exam regulations


Exam regulations

Examination is held

By the end of the semester 








Internal individual oral examination based on the presented research paper, included as basis for the examination. A discussion of the research paper will be part of the examination.

Examination conditions:
All portfolio assignments must be handed in time and the formal demands on the scope of hand must be fulfilled.

Form of examination

Oral examination


Second examiner: Internal


7-point grading scale


Student Identification Card - Date of birth



ECTS value


Additional exam information

The form of examination in the re-examination is the same as in the ordinary examination

Courses offered

Offer period Offer type Profile Education Semester
Fall 2022 Mandatory Kandidat i spiludvikling og læringsteknologi, optag 2021 Master of Science in Engineering (Game Development and Learning Technology) | Master of Science in Engineering (Game Development and Learning Technology) | Odense 3
Fall 2022 Mandatory Kandidat i spiludvikling og læringsteknologi, optag 2022 Master of Science in Engineering (Game Development and Learning Technology) | Master of Science in Engineering (Game Development and Learning Technology) | Odense 3
Fall 2023 Mandatory Kandidat i spiludvikling og læringsteknologi, optag 2022 Master of Science in Engineering (Game Development and Learning Technology) | Master of Science in Engineering (Game Development and Learning Technology) | Odense 3
Fall 2023 Mandatory Kandidat i spiludvikling og læringsteknologi, optag 2023 Master of Science in Engineering (Game Development and Learning Technology) | Master of Science in Engineering (Game Development and Learning Technology) | Odense 3
